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A better way to view your Schoology or Infinite Campus grades

85,000+ students from all 50 states

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Why Bessy?

An image of Bessy the cow flashing a thumbs up, signifying the easy to use aspect of Bessy

Easy to Use

Quickly understand your grades with a simple and noncluttered interface

An image of Bessy the cow holding a calculator with a question mark over its head, signifying the what if grades feature

What If Grades

Simulate what your grade can potentially be in a course

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An image of Bessy the cow ringing a bell, signifying notifications

Notifications (that actually work)

Available on iOS

Get notified when your grades get updated

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An image of Bessy the cow pointing towards a graph with an upwards trend

Visualize Your Grade

View a chart showing how a course's grade has changed over time

An image of a tired Bessy the cow under the moon, signifying dark mode

Dark Mode

We think it looks pretty good